DAF Tank-vacuum Truck News (3)

Welcome to the news and information pages for DAF Tank-vacuum trucks. At Truck Pages we categorise our news to help you, the reader, get straight to the information you are looking for. If there is not enough news and reviews in this particular category, try viewing other news and truck review archives by using the drop drown filter in the sidebar to get to the category that interests you most. If you are researching a particular manufacturer, model or type of truck because you are thinking of buying a new or used commercial vehicle, then you can find a list of all DAF Tank-vacuum trucks for sale here at Truck Pages.

It looks like a much loved 2008 Scania P Series crane truck on this week’s front cover. This manual transmission P310 has a hefty Cormach 3400E6 crane fitted to the rear showing just 252 hours of use. The remote control crane as a reach of over 16 metres from its six extensions – perfect for…

Slightly less glamorous than the usual trucks that grace the Truck Pages front cover, but this DAF LF260 gulley sucker plays just as important a role. This is a Euro 6 2017 model vacuum tanker with a tested 1,800 gallon Whale tank with a moving division. The truck is available from Jenkins Garages – full…

Collecting liquid waste is not for everyone, but the saying, “Where there’s muck…” certainly applies to a Market Rasen-based operator DM Boyles as they opt to buy their trucks outright rather than use a finance package. Their most recent purchase – and the first DAF truck on the fleet is a unique configuration for the…