DVS Compliant Trucks for Sale Truck News (5)

Welcome to the news and information pages for DVS Compliant Trucks for Sale. At Truck Pages we categorise our news to help you, the reader, get straight to the information you are looking for. This should help whether that is about reading about all of the DVS Compliant Trucks for Sale or being more specific and looking at the news for just one model or variant of DVS Compliant Trucks for Sale. Use the drop drown filter in the sidebar to get to the news category that interests you most. If you are researching a particular manufacturer or model because you are thinking of buying a new or used commercial vehicle, then you can find a list of all DVS Compliant Trucks for Sale here at Truck Pages.

October 28th saw enforcement of the next phase of the Mayor of London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS) commence. This means that if your trucks that are over 12 tonnes, do not have a three star DVS rating or do not conform to the new Progressive Safety System (PSS) and you haven’t asked TfL for an…

After much lobbying by the RHA, TfL will be implementing a process from 1st October 2024 to allow fleets with more than 100 vehicles to make a “bulk application” for the grace period if required. This is an exceptional process and will only be available to operators making grace period applications for more than 100…

The Truck Pages braved the weather at this year’s Road Transport Expo at the NAEC in Stoneleigh. Unlike other UK truck shows, this one actually had some truck manufacturers taking part. All the major truck manufacturers had a presence and most of them had pushed the boat out with impressive displays. So, what were the…

DAF Trucks is handing an RTX show debut to a 5-star example of its DAF XD range – a 44-tonne GCW, XD 450 three-axle tractor unit with Sleeper High Cab specified to deliver the maximum 5-Star Direct Vision Standard (DVS) safety rating – illustrating the exceptional visibility offered by the New Generation XD ahead of…

If you operate a truck over 12 tonnes GVW in London, you will already be familiar with the Direct Vision Standards (DVS) that have been in place since March 2021. The scheme operates a DVS star rating for all trucks oer 12 tonnes GVW from zero to five stars, determined by how much a driver…