Tesla Semi Ablaze Needs 50,000 Gallons of Water

There are plenty of people concerned about the difficulties encountered when electric vehicles catch fire. It seems that cars are bad enough but, with the extra batteries needed to operate a 42 tonne truck an electric truck fire could be a lot worse.

The first real example of this has taken place in America with a battery powered Tesla semi hit a tree, careered down a slope then caught fire.

The truck was being driven by a Tesla employee who was unharmed, but it was not under any form of autopilot control.

According to investigators, the fire took some 50,000 gallons of water to put out and the local authorities even brought in aircraft to assist with the effort.

The main road was closed for twelve hours – extra caution was needed in case the batteries caught fire again.

tesla Semis
Image: Courtesy of Tesla, Inc.