You must be a serious truck or van buyer if you even know the variant of the model you are looking for. These pages only contain Mercedes Arocs 1824 Trucks for sale and for auction. If there are still too many results, then you can filter down the search to include only Arocs 1824 for sale at a dealer or at an auction. If you know the body type, then you can filter on this as well. Simply click the ‘add filters’ button to find the ideal vehicle for you to buy. To view more detail and to contact the seller, click on the individual truck where you will find more images plus a description of the vehicle itself.
Lancashire-based waste management specialist Gillett Environmental has commissioned the first two trucks from a clutch of six Mercedes-Benz skiploaders ordered to support its ambitious growth strategy. The company operates on a national basis but trades locally as Lytham St Annes Skip Hire. Supplied by Ciceley Commercials, its latest Arocs 18-tonners all represent extensions to a fleet in which Mercedes-Benz was already the dominant brand. This, however, is the first time that Gillett Environmental has sourced vehicles from a member of the manufacturer’s franchised network. Having previously used an independent garage for servicing, it will also be relying for the first…