You must be a serious truck or van buyer if you even know the variant of the model you are looking for. These pages only contain Mercedes Atego 1224 Trucks for sale and for auction. If there are still too many results, then you can filter down the search to include only Atego 1224 for sale at a dealer or at an auction. If you know the body type, then you can filter on this as well. Simply click the ‘add filters’ button to find the ideal vehicle for you to buy. To view more detail and to contact the seller, click on the individual truck where you will find more images plus a description of the vehicle itself.
If you are transporting any old car, then an open-backed recovery truck or small car transporter is fine. For something a little more special you can find these types of bodies with curtainsides to hide what’s inside. For classic Aston Martins that can be worth over £250,000 each, then only a secure box will suffice to transport them. Carrying two cars at a time, with a fragile load that could exceed half a million pounds, the Aston workshop has opted for a sleeper-cabbed, 12-tonne Mercedes Atego 1224 to carry the precious cargo safely. Supplied by North-East Dealer Bell Truck and…