You must be a serious truck or van buyer if you even know the variant of the model you are looking for. These pages only contain Iveco S-Way 330 Vans for sale and for auction. If there are still too many results, then you can filter down the search to include only S-Way 330 for sale at a dealer or at an auction. If you know the body type, then you can filter on this as well. Simply click the ‘add filters’ button to find the ideal vehicle for you to buy. To view more detail and to contact the seller, click on the individual truck where you will find more images plus a description of the vehicle itself.
Iveco’s range of trucks from the Daily van upwards has resulted in one company turning their fleet 100% Iveco. It was the innovative 7-tonne Daily with the Hi-Matic transmission that effectively sealed the deal and prompted national cleaning, hygiene and healthcare product suppliers, Nexon Group to go 100% Iveco. The most recent acquisition for its Lincoln-based fleet is a pair of IVECO S-WAY rigid trucks. The Instinct Blue metallic fleet travels nationwide delivering cleaning and hygiene products, mainly heavy fluids, to healthcare providers and care home groups. Supplied by North East Truck & Van, the two 19-tonne 4x2 rigid AT190S33/P…