2.16 Tonne Vans for Sale (1)

The gross vehicle weight of a truck is a vital piece of information - certain weights of trucks require specific driving licences, for example. These pages only contain 2.16 Tonne Vans for sale and for auction. If there are still too many results, then you can filter down the search to include only 2.16 Tonne Vans for sale at a dealer or at an auction. If you know the body type, then you can filter on this as well on the advanced search pages. Simply click the ‘filter search’ button to find the ideal vehicle for you to buy. To view more detail and to contact the seller, click on the individual truck where you will find more images plus a description of the vehicle itself.

Latest News About 2.16 Tonne Vans

Combi Van
We are proud to offer this rare, low mileage VW Caddy Life, boasting 4,732 miles and 1 owner from new this is a great opportunity to own an exceptional Caddy. Our vehicle has been meticulously looked after and hosts a great amount of features to enhance the comfort and convenience… We are proud to offer this rare,...
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