J and B Truck News (0)

Welcome to the news and information pages for a Truck Pages truck dealer, J and B. We try to publish as much information as possible about the sellers who advertise on Truck Pages. This gives the buyer the opportunity to gain a broader insight into the company they may be buying a truck from. You can browse all of J and B's news here, alternatively, if you would like to view their live inventory, you can find a list of all J and B's trucks for sale here at Truck Pages.

If you are looking for a 12 tonner, then The MAN TGL12.180 on sale in Swindon at J&B Limited could be right up your street. It’s a 2016 Euro 6 with a 1.5 tonne Dhollandia column tail lift and, what’s best, there is a choice of them. You can have one with brand new curtains…